

SIM Boxes and SIM Farms

Challenges to A2P Messaging from SIM Boxes and SIM Farms

SIM farm operations present a serious risk to A2P messaging by sending fraudulent messages, Spam and malware. Two main factors contribute to this issue: the lack of proper due diligence and KYC (know your customer) procedures on the part of SIM farms and the lower price of SMS termination, which attracts malicious actors and spammers. …

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International Mobile Subscriber Identity

International Mobile Subscriber Identity and its Benefits

Understanding IMSI The International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) is a distinctive code assigned to subscribers on any cellular network globally. It links your data plan with your cellular network provider to the correct line of service. When your mobile device connects to the network, it retrieves the IMSI code from the SIM card. Functions of …

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7 Powerful SMS Strategies to Boost Business Communication7 Powerful SMS Strategies to Boost Business Communication

7 Powerful SMS Strategies to Boost Business Communication

Engaging with your customers means reaching them through their preferred channels. Did you know, according to a recent survey, 35% of consumers are open to receiving promotional messages via mobile channels? This suggests that businesses should seriously consider using SMS for communication, as it is a channel that many customers are comfortable with and receptive …

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SMS 2FA for you and your customers

Strengthen security for you and your customers with SMS 2FA

In today’s world, cybercrime is expanding rapidly. This surge understandably places enormous importance on businesses’ efforts to increase their cyber defence. Among the tried-and-tested methods to strengthen security is two-factor authentication (2FA), also called multi-factor authentication. This approach is a critical strategy in stopping cybercriminals and safeguarding sensitive information. What is 2FA? Safeguarding sensitive information has …

Strengthen security for you and your customers with SMS 2FA Read More »

Voice Fraud Threats

Effective Strategies to Mitigate Voice Fraud Threats for Mobile Operators

Mobile network operators are at a higher risk of voice fraud because of the nature of their services and the extensive personal data they handle. The integration of various technologies in carrier networks provides multiple opportunities for fraud. For instance, fraudsters may exploit international calling features for Wangiri fraud, and customer service lines are vulnerable …

Effective Strategies to Mitigate Voice Fraud Threats for Mobile Operators Read More »

A Guide to Selecting an A2P SMS Platform

A Guide to Selecting an A2P SMS Platform

A2P SMS is vital for scalable communication, improving customer experience and ensuring consistent results. Businesses invest in A2P SMS platforms for secure customer connections, reflecting a growing trend for reasons like process optimization and enhanced engagement. Choosing the right A2P SMS platform requires effort, and this guide provides essential insights into functionalities for selecting the …

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The Menace of AIT Fraud

The Menace of AIT Fraud: How it Endangers Mobile Authentication and What You Can Do About It.

AIT, also called Artificially Inflated Traffic, is a tactic employed by fraudulent actors or rival businesses to illicitly profit from processing business messaging traffic. This deceptive technique involves the creation of fake accounts through automated bots, triggering OTP SMS to mobile numbers. The fraudsters collaborate with rogue parties to stop this inflated traffic, preventing it …

The Menace of AIT Fraud: How it Endangers Mobile Authentication and What You Can Do About It. Read More »

Top Trends in the Telecom Sector that will set the tone for 2024

Top Trends in the Telecom Sector that will set the tone for 2024

In 2024, expect noteworthy changes in the telecom sector driven by technologies and potential threats. In the upcoming 12 months, MNOs (mobile network operators) will encounter opportunities to implement advanced solutions while also dealing with challenges to safeguard their profits from fraudulent activities. The landscape is becoming more diverse, marked by constant change. The rollout …

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Guide to Choosing the Optimal Provider for SMS Gateway Platforms

Guide to Choosing the Optimal Provider for SMS Gateway Platforms

Most consumers prefer increased business communication through text messages, particularly for special offers. Despite various communication methods, businesses globally rely on SMS for effective customer engagement. Nowadays, instant and quick communication is essential. SMS facilitates swift, concise, and impactful interactions, transforming how organizations connect and convey information. At the core of this transformation is a …

Guide to Choosing the Optimal Provider for SMS Gateway Platforms Read More »

Detecting and Preventing SMS Pumping Fraud

Detecting and Preventing SMS Pumping Fraud

Managing SMS fraud has become a routine challenge for businesses, ranging from dealing with smishing to addressing SIM swapping. Both enterprises and individuals are increasingly vigilant and prepared to combat SMS scammers. However, SMS pumping poses a unique threat, mainly targeting businesses relying on SMS for OTPs. Detecting SMS pumping fraud can be challenging, and …

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